The Ultimate Hario Switch Recipe

The Ultimate Hario Switch Recipe

Shout out to Testu Kasuya for creating this recipe!

This method is perfect for achieving a balanced, clean cup and works well across a wide variety of coffees. At Overlook Coffee Co., we use this exact recipe for our pour overs. The beauty of the Hario Switch is its ability to seamlessly transition between percolation and immersion, and this recipe lets you get the best of both worlds!

Hario Switch Pour Over Recipe

  • Ratio: 1:16 (25g of coffee to 400g of water)
  • Water Temperature: 90-95°C for the first pours, then 70-80°C for the final pour
  • Brewer: Hario Switch
  • Grind Size: Coarse
  • Filter: Paper filter (standard size for Hario Switch)


1. Start by closing the switch
Pour 60-70g of water (90-95°C) just enough to saturate the grounds. Let the coffee bloom for 40 seconds.

2. Open the switch
After 40 seconds, open the switch and pour to 160g, evenly covering the grounds in a spiral pattern.

3. Pour to 260g
At 1:30, pour to 260g, maintaining a consistent pour to ensure an even extraction.

4. Adjust temperature and pour
At 2:10, close the switch again and lower your water temperature to 70-80°C. We recommend pre-measuring room-temperature water to help reach your target temperature.

5. Let the brew drain
Open the switch and let the coffee drain completely by 3:30. If the drainage is too slow, try using a coarser grind.

6. Enjoy your brew!
The final cup will highlight fruity and floral notes while maintaining a smooth body. Enjoy experimenting with this method!

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